Pernyataan Pers Bersama Presiden Republik Indonesia Dengan Perdana Menteri Belanda
Presiden RI:
Yang Mulia Perdana Menteri Mark Rutte beserta delegasi,
Bapak/Ibu sekalian yang saya hormati,
Merupakan kehormatan bagi saya untuk menerima kembali kunjungan Perdana Menteri Rutte ke Indonesia, setelah kunjungan beliau ke Jakarta tiga tahun yang lalu.
Belanda merupakan salah satu mitra penting Indonesia di Eropa, baik di bidang perdagangan, investasi, maupun pariwisata. Dan di antara negara-negara Eropa, Belanda merupakan mitra perdagangan nomor dua terbesar dan mitra investasi nomor satu, dan mendatangkan wisatawan nomor empat terbesar dari Eropa. Kerja sama ini akan terus kita perkuat dengan menggunakan kerangka kemitraan komprehensif yang sudah dimiliki oleh kedua negara, Indonesia dan Belanda.
Di tengah situasi perekonomian dunia yang mengalami tren pelemahan, kita perlu berupaya meningkatkan kerja sama ekonomi dengan banyak mitra termasuk dengan Belanda.
Di bidang perdagangan kita sepakat untuk terus meningkatkan perdagangan yang terbuka dan fair. Dalam konteks ini, saya sampaikan kembali concern Indonesia untuk kebijakan Uni Eropa terhadap kelapa sawit.
Saya juga menghargai kerja sama yang baru saja ditandatangani oleh Indonesia dan Belanda, di New York, tanggal 26 September 2019 yang lalu, mengenai pengembangan kapasitas petani kecil sawit untuk menghasilkan kelapa sawit yang lestari.
Dan di bidang investasi saya mengajak Belanda untuk meningkatkan kemitraan di bidang infrastruktur maritim dan pengelolaan air. Saya sampaikan kepada Perdana Menteri Rutte bahwa dalam lima tahun ke depan saya akan memberikan prioritas kepada pengembangan sumber daya manusia. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan menjadi sangat penting artinya terutama pendidikan vokasi. Dan dalam pertemuan kita juga membahas upaya meningkatkan kerja sama di bidang vokasi termasuk di bidang kemaritiman dan keperawatan.
Sebagai penutup saya sampaikan apresiasi kepada pemerintah Belanda yang secara konsisten tegas menghormati kedaulatan Negara Republik Indonesia.
Demikian sedikit yang bisa saya sampaikan. Saya mengundang dengan hormat Perdana Menteri Mark Rutte untuk menyampaikan pandangannya.
Terima kasih.
Perdana Menteri Mark Rutte:
Well, first I would like to thank President Joko Widodo for this warm reception. As this is my third visit to Indonesia as Prime Minister of The Netherlands and as always it is a pleasure to be here.
Our two countries and your excellent and very close ties, not only on the political level but also on the level of people-to-people contact.
Many Dutch people have a bond with Indonesia, either directly or through their family history and I am proud to say that I belong to that group myself.
There are many historical ties between us, but we are also forging many new ties looking to the future. Through studies program for example, through tourism and off course through our country state and enterprise relations.
In 2018, the goods trade between Indonesia and The Netherlands total no less than 3,7 billion euros, and there is plenty of scope to increase it bigger.
President Widodo and I have talked about stepping up the partnership between our countries, for example in fields of educations. I am delighted that next June will be holding a special event called Winner, The Week for Indonesia- The Netherlands Educations and Research. It’s an appropriate acronym because both our country tends to win if we can make use each other knowledges and know how. So, it is also fit in that this afternoon I will be paying a visit to the IPC Corporate University in Bogor.
The President and I also discuss a complex issue of palm oil, and the needs for more sustainable production. This is an area in which we are working to turn complex issue into an opportunity.
Recently, a MoU was signed as the President already mention, and that MoU is practically focusing on the positions of smalls. We are also expanding our existing partnership agreements, other area of corporation between us include water, higher education, poor development, the health care sector and off course the circular economy.
With there are many more area with the real potential like climate action, and off course the big issue, waste management. I hope that together we can see and we will see this opportunity.
This today, I will have the honor of officially opening of the renovated Dutch Embassy here in Jakarta. The building is now fit for the future which make it fitment symbol of the relationship between The Netherlands and Indonesia. The relationship which is not only built on solid foundation of historical and personal ties, but particularly now focusing on a joint future together and I looked forward to build our future relationship together with President Widodo.
Again, thank you so much on your warm hospitality and friendship.